Is freelancing suitable for you?

As practice shows, a lot of beginners, or rather potential programmers who go into this field, want to work freelance and not depend on anyone. Maybe from home or from some beach in Indonesia.

Some IT professions are best suited for freelance work. These are Frontend development, Android, iOS, web development, DevOps, etc. I.e. those areas where one programmer can do something meaningful, which can be given to the customer in ready-made form.

But here it is important to understand one thing. Freelancer is not only a programmer, it’s much more. First of all, a freelancer is a seller of his services. He or she is a Sales Manager, a Project Manager, and a doer. If the client decides to bail, then this question will also have to be dealt with by the freelancer himself.

If you work in an office, you have more or less normalized working hours. If you are a freelancer – you do not have a working day at all, often you will work much more than an office employee. On the other hand, if you’re a hardcore professional, you can sometimes just bail on a project and schedule your time more freely. One week you might be plowing like a donkey and working around the clock, and the next week you’re not in the mood and you’re just relaxing on the beach. If you have this aptitude, then you really can’t prove yourself as a good programmer when you’re hired, but freelancing is fine.

There is also such an aspect as communication with people. Freelancers tend to have less communication, very often developing a sense that life is passing you by. On the other hand, if you’re an introvert – freelancing is right for you. Also, if you live in a small town, you only have two options: either organize a firm yourself or go into freelancing.

There are people who are much more efficient working in a team, and there are those who feel great as freelancers.